A Few Tips for your Lifestyle Newborn Session

These in-home sessions are one of my favorites! Why?

Because you've brought a beautiful new soul into the world and your bond is just starting to blossom. And I get to see you love on them in the comfort of your own home. These sessions are meant to be relaxed, laid back and go with the flow, while focusing on the love you share with each other.

Please read on for some guidance about things you can do to feel prepared for your session. Can't wait to meet your new little nugget!

I've booked a lifestyle newborn session...Now what?

Prior to booking we've already noted your due date so I have a general idea when we will meet.

BUT we all know babies have their own schedules, especially when it comes to joining us earth-side. Once baby is here, please reach out to me via info@jessicafortunephotography.com and we will solidify a date for the session.

It's best for little one to be between 7 & 21 days old so they're still milk-drunk sleepy. Sessions are scheduled around 10AM - this gives you a chance to go through your regular morning routine, while allowing the best light for your session.

Who can be in the session?

Mom, Dad, siblings, & even your furry family members! Don't want to be in the photos? Baby solo is fine too! Whatever you're comfortable with will work.

What do we wear?

You just had a baby and you're sleep deprived and adjusting to a major life change...


Pick neutrals, solids, earth tones

Play with textures

Take into consideration the colors on your walls and furniture - make sure you won't blend in too much.

Pinterest is a great tool to use for ideas!

Pick out one outfit first and build the others off of that.

Visit my Style Guide for outfit examples: https://www.jessicafortunephotography.com/style-guide

Things to avoid:

All White / Neon / Logos / Clashing Patterns

I'm happy to help with guidance - feel free to email me a few options you have on hand and I'll help you make your selection.

Will my space work for an in-home session?

The short answer is YES!

Living in an Instagram world of pseudo-perfection, it's easy to feel like your home is not going to be up-to-snuff.

Well I'm here to tell you that your space will work beautifully, it's your home filled with memories and where real life happens.

We will spend a majority of the time near windows with that lovely bright light shining on your oh-so-perfect moments. Before the session starts I may wander around looking for fun spaces to use as well - typically using the nursery, bedroom and/or living room. Feel free to email me photos of potential locations in your home to help me prepare as well.

Please make sure the areas you wish to shoot in are cleared of clutter (to what degree is up to you), but don't stress about cleaning too much. You've got your hands full with a newborn, so do what feels right for you!

Also be aware that I may ask to adjust furniture and rearrange items to create the optimal space for your session. Don't worry - I'll put it all back before I leave!

How will the session go?

Before I arrive, do your best to keep little one awake for awhile. Plan on feeding them just before or after I arrive so they are happy and sleepy for our session. No worries if the timing doesn't work out - newborns are on their own schedule and we will work with whatever they need!

Make sure baby is clean of any spit up, stains on clothes etc. Have Dad empty his pockets and check your wrists for hair ties or watches.

Upon arrival I'll spend a few minutes exploring the areas of your home and decide which to use first. These sessions are focused on the candid moments of new parenthood, but I'll guide you into relaxed, comfortable poses where you can interact naturally. We can incorporate any props, heirlooms or special items you'd like.

Baby not having a great day? That's ok! The length of lifestyle newborn sessions allows for plenty of time to adjust to baby's needs. Focus on what your kiddo needs and I'll pivot on my end. I've had two newborns of my own so I get it! That's the beauty of in-home sessions - you can stay relaxed in your own space. There is no rush.

Use this time to soak up the details of your new little babe. The sights, smells, feelings. You made this amazing little nugget. Take it all in. And then look through those moments again and again.

❤❤❤ ~ Jessica